Saturday 2 June 2012

Fear and Comfort

Well it's been a while since I've written and I find myself looking at the uncomfortable.  Moving forward and doing new things is uncomfortable.  Why? Well, I've learned that our subconscious gets programmed in the first 7 years of life and we keep living with that programming because it's what we's comfortable, even though it probably isn't helping us much as an adult. It's a brilliant plan by our creator isn't it? It makes perfect sense that we would have to push ourselves into the unknown to learn and grow. How else would we experience the joys of life and the rush of accomplishing something that was so scary to start? Would it mean that much if it didn't have the fear in it to begin? Probably not. So I find myself logically understanding God's reasons for blessing us with fear but am still fearful of going where I have not treaded before.  Damn subconscious! So here I declare my find the Bliss in facing my fears...the Bliss on the other side of my comfort zones!!!  Yes, posting on my blog is uncomfortable but proves "freeing" every time I do it! So do it I will!!  If only I had been raised being told that life was about finding what scares you most and doing it anyway...that it was as normal as eating, drinking and pooping! On that note...I wish you fierce courage! Now be fearless and fly! I'm going to find my wings...they've got to be here somewhere...